You may remember on Monday after Molly got skunked I really hoped that it wasn't a sign of the week to come. I mean, Monday really was a week's worth of excitement packed into 15 seconds of adrenaline rush followed by two days of hydrogen peroxide bath time fun. So after Molly got skunked on Monday I was hoping for a quiet week. I had a Pinterest party on Wednesday with some girls from school. The food was fabulous! I should have taken a picture to post on Facebook to induce some food envy. It was that amazing. But I was too busy stuffing my face to slow down to snap some pics. Thursday I had a computer class at school and Friday a good friend, Sam, came into town so some friends got together for dinner. I had planned a full week.
Instead it was a full week of animal drama. After Molly got skunked, she then proceeded to come down sick. I don't know if getting sprayed by a skunk can make you sick or it was coincidence but she came down with something and was drooping and clingy. I was happy by Thursday that she was just happy to be in the same room with me all the time and not trying to walk between my legs, sit on my feet and generally cause a hazard wherever I went, not to mention her aroma which until I bought a new bottle of hydrogen peroxide still was a light (being polite) scent-o-skunk. I recommend making sure you use a fairly new bottle of peroxide when dog washing skunked dogs. The stuff apparently does follow its expiration date. Who knew?
But back to what you're here to find out about. As I was heading out Friday night for a small girl's night out, Dustan was getting ready to take the pups out for a stroll. Which is all you really can do in this heat. Before he went he decided he'd better feed our summer fish. In case you were unaware, this summer we have a 50 gallon (or in other words, very large) fish tank with Gage's (my brother-in-law) 5 fish. We are watching them while he is off galivanting around the globe leading the carefree life of a recent college graduate. We fully support this lifestyle, just not financially. Having the fish has been quite fun. I've renamed them all for Gage. They are fun to watch. I truly enjoy trying to discipline Rainbow Fish when he's bullying the others, it's the kindergarten teacher in me.
A picture of the fish tank along with its stand to give you an idea of it's size. Underneath and hidden is the full filtration system. Dustan added the doors so you can't see it. |
As Dustan went to feed the fish he realized that one of the Tres Amigos (the 3 yellow giraffe cichlids) was missing. Our summer fish never miss dinner. As he started looking around, AKA looking at the top to make sure we didn't have a floater he realized there was now Dos Amigos in the fish tank. He then proceeded to do a full sweep around the perimeter of the very large fish tank with no sightings. It wasn't until he got to the back and to the very complicated filtration system that he found Un Amigo floating tail up in the sucker outer contraption on the back side of the fish tank. It may be at this point I was a teensie bit disappointed he didn't stop to take a photo but do understand why. Probably assuming the worst Dustan quickly shut down the entire tank, which is a task as not only do we have a HUGE fish tank we also have an additional ~15 gallon tank under the fish stand that is its own full super filtration system for the larger tank. Apparently you when you get into fish you get into them big or go home. Dustan removed said sucker out contraption, revived Un Amigo with timely CPR and put him back into the main tank. He said it was touch and go there for a little bit.
A picture of behind the fish tank to show how it is set up. Un Amigo must have gotten into the black filter inside the tank then sucked out through the clear tube into the clear plastic box behind the tank. Luckily the clear box always has water running through it. |
It's at this point that I would be remiss to not remind you of how hysterical Nemo's dad got any time Nemo would go near the filter in Finding Nemo. The other fish thought he was over reacting and being paranoid. We spent quite a bit of time examining the fish tank last night and cannot figure out how Un Amigo ended up where he did. He had to have gotten sucked down some rather small tubes. Virtually impossible to believe unless you've seen Finding Nemo.
All the fish this morning. Rainbow Fish is to the left and Tres Amigos are reunited. When a giraffe cichlid suffers trama all of his spots will fade away. I didn't look that up, I know this from direct observation. |
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